2020 County and State Shoot Update

We have determined dates for our county shoots! Following is the schedule and updated information.

Things to know:

  • Member must attend at least 3 county practices in each discipline they would like to participate in at county shoots. (Air Rifle and .22 Rifle can combine  practices to meet the minimum requirement.)

  • Discipline superintendents will communicate county shoot event times and their registration process to members as there is no one system that works best for everyone.

  • Scoring will NOT be done on-site. Results will be posted on the lc4hss.org website no later than the end of the day on August 3.

  • Yes, there will be a state shoot but you won't have to travel to Pueblo or Colorado Springs—we'll be doing the competition locally. Dates have not been finalized, but expect them to be in late August to early September. More details to come in the next few weeks about that.

  • Requirements to participate in State Shoot will include the following:

    1. Enter a Shooting Sports project at county fair and receive either a red or blue ribbon,

    2. Be in the top 6 by score (top 5 for Shotgun) to qualify in each class you shoot at county shoot,

    3. Pay state shoot fee of $20 per participant.

  • This year ONLY: participants will NOT be required to have their hunter safety card to participate in state shoot.

Dates and locations for County Shoots:

  • July 21 – Shotgun (First Night) at Great Guns Sporting in Nunn.

  • July 25 – .22 Rifle at Jerry Clausen Ranch (Field) in Masonville.

  • July 26 – Air Rifle/Air Pistol at Jerry Clausen Ranch (Indoors) in Masonville.

  • July 26 – Muzzleloading at Jerry Clausen Ranch (Field) in Masonville.

  • July 28 – Shotgun (Last Night) at Great Guns Sporting in Nunn.

  • July 28 – .22 Pistol at Great Guns Sporting in Nunn.

  • August 2 – Archery at CYO/Swift Ponds in Fort Collins.

Mark your calendars, register for and attend practices, and keep in touch with your Superintendents. We all look forward to seeing you at the range!

Lon Hagler Archery Practices Discontinued
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Due to the implementation of the new Colorado Parks and Wildlife ruling that became effective today (July 1), a fishing or hunting license is now required to visit any State Wildlife Area or State Trust Land leased by Colorado Parks and Wildlife. This includes the Lon Hagler Archery Range. The license requirement is for anyone 18 and older, which in our case would include all parents/guardians and leaders.

We will be discontinuing archery practices at Lon Hagler until further notice.

You can find details about the rule change by Colorado Parks and Wildlife here.

Sharel CameronArchery
Second Shooting Sports Record Book and Project Workshop on Zoom
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We're having our next Shooting Sports Project and Record Book Workshop to help you get ready for Fair. Join us on July 1 at 6:30 p.m.

Check your email soon for the links and information to the Zoom meeting.

We'll answer questions about your e-Records, fair entry, projects, and anything else that comes up.

Our first workshop in April was an in-depth discussion of how to complete your record book. Missed it? No worries. We recorded that event and posted it on the Projects page.

We look forward to seeing you all. If you have any questions about the upcoming workshop please feel free to contact Sam Webb at sammyjwebb@gmail.com or 970-214-5646.

Before the meeting be sure to download your e-record book here.

(For more information about joining and navigating Zoom meetings, grab this information sheet!)

Archery Practice Resumes June 25

Finally, we are going to resume archery practices! That being said, here are some things that you will need to do and consider when attending.

Please read the following fully and carefully.

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  1. You must fill out an informed consent form and upload it to 4HOnline before you are eligible to attend practices. Download the 4-H member informed consent form here, and the 4-H leader form is here. Upload it into 4HOnline in the section that looks like the image pictured here:

  2. There can be NO MORE than 50 people at each practice. You will use SignUpGenius to register for practices AT LEAST 24 HOURS BEFORE THE PRACTICE. Only directly participating 4-H members, guardians, and certified leaders should be at the scheduled activity. Guardians, siblings, family members, friends, and others not directly participating in the activities should not attend. A guardian will be required to be present for Shooting Sports and will be asked to observe from vehicles unless otherwise requested. If the parent/guardian wants to be with the youth member as they practice (out of their car and in the shooting area) they must also sign up as an Adult on SignUpGenius prior to the event and will be accounted for in our 50-person limited practice.

  3. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms of COVID-19 or have had known contact with anyone with COVID-19 in the 14 days, do not come to practice. More information about the symptoms of COVID-19 can be found here.

  4. Here are some of the key guidelines that will be in place: use of masks by members, leaders, and parents; hand sanitizing stations for use before, during, and after practice; separate entry and exit at facilities when possible; 6-foot physical distancing; discouragement of sharing equipment; sanitation of any equipment that must be shared between uses; and sanitation of high-touch surfaces at practices. 

  5. You will need to bring your own mask, and hand sanitizer if you have any! All members, leaders, and parents are highly encouraged to wear a mask during this activity. Archery participants will be able to take their masks off on the firing line due to safety reasons but are expected to use one when retrieving arrows.

  6. Keep the six-foot distance from others when at practices! Leaders and members will maintain at least six-foot spacing between participants whenever possible unless other safety aspects of the activity necessitate otherwise. Firing lines and ranges may be spread out more than normal to account for this. At times, 4-H Shooting Sports leaders may need to be within six feet of a member while on a firing line to help ensure safe muzzle control.

  7. All participants should only handle their equipment. Shooters will have to bring their own equipment and any sharing of equipment is highly discouraged. Members can share within families though and if you are using county equipment it will be sanitized between uses. 

  8. Only directly participating 4-H members, guardians, and project leaders should be at the scheduled activity.

  9. Be kind and considerate to the 4-H leaders, your fellow members, and 4-H families as we begin some face-to-face interactions. There are a lot of new guidelines in place so it will be a lot different than you may have experienced in the past. Please be patient and remember that we all truly care about everyone’s safety and are doing our best to ensure that. All the guidelines and procedures the 4-H leaders are given to abide by for practices are from CSU, the county health department, and our office. Therefore, they must be followed. 

  10. HAVE FUN! While it might not be “normal,” I hope you all still enjoy this time with your friends getting to do what you all love! Now is a great time to be able to practice and hone in on those skills you all work so hard to acquire! 

Archery Practice Information


Archery practice will resume at The Ranch on Thursday, June 25 in the open field to the south of the McKee Building across the parking lot. There will be NO access to the McKee Building. There will be a port-a-potty on site. PLEASE bring lots of water, sunscreen, and bug spray. 

Lon Hagler practices will begin on Tuesday, June 30 at 6:00 p.m. This year, Lon Hagler practices will all count as a county practice. Three practices total between The Ranch and Lon Hagler are required to participate in the county shoot.


Archers MUST have completed one of the orientations in January or completed the online Safety Quiz before signing up for practices. Archers must also upload the informed consent form mentioned in #1 above.


Archers MUST register for practices using the SignUpGenius by 5:00 p.m. the day before the practice. Archers cannot just arrive without registering and expect to shoot. They will not be allowed to participate.


Equipment will be available to borrow if needed. Please be sure to check the click box that you need equipment on the SignUpGenius so we can be prepared. (If you’ve already signed up for practices and need equipment, please go back and edit your SignUpGenius entry.)

Start Time

Members MUST arrive for check-in promptly at 6:00 p.m., unlike earlier this year where members could arrive anytime during the practice. We would appreciate having members arrive early around 5:30 p.m. to help set up the two ranges. Members may leave earlier than the scheduled 7:30 end time, but please remember that we have to put all of the equipment away and need help to do so. Helping with setup and teardown counts as community service for your record book.

FITA and 3D Ranges Are Separate

There is no switching between the FITA and 3D ranges. Archers must stay on the range on their SignUpGenius registration.

Social Distancing and Masks

We must be cognitive of safe distancing when shooting, pulling arrows, and locating missing arrows. Archers can take their masks off on the firing line due to safety reasons but should wear them after leaving the line.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out! We are extremely excited that we will be able to begin practicing in-person again.

Sharel CameronArchery
Larimer County Fair 2020 Info for Shooting Sports

The 2020 County Fair team at CSU Extension and The Ranch have announced the schedule, classes, and general rules for the 2020 Larimer County Fair. This post highlights the portions that are relevant to the Shooting Sports project.

Please see the Schedule of Events for details.

The 2020 Larimer County Fair will include the following opportunities:

  • Static display judging (no interviews).

    • Shooting Sports projects will be dropped off at Embassy Suites on Saturday, July 25 following this schedule:

      • 8:00–11:30 a.m. — Last names A–H

      • 12:00–3:30 p.m. — Last names I–R

      • 3:30–7:00 p.m. — Last names S–Z

    • Shooting Sports projects must be picked up from Embassy Suites between 12:00–7:00 p.m. on Monday, July 27.

  • In-person Shooting Sports county shoot competitions.

Fair Entry registration information:

  • The deadline for fair entry registration for all projects is Monday, July 13. 

  • No registration fees this year—it is FREE to enter!

  • Registration for fair entry will be through Fair Entry at http://larimercountyfair.fairentry.com. (Registration help will be provided live via Zoom, and help is also posted here.)

  • Informed Consent Waivers must be signed by each member and leader and uploaded to 4HOnline as part of the registration process and are also due July 13. Download the member form here and the leader form here.

  • Information about the deadlines for Shooting Sports for county shoots will be provided as more information is confirmed.


  • There will be no special awards or premiums for competitions.

  • Static displays will be awarded by the usual Danish system.

Format changes:

  • Spectators will be limited to 1 adult per 4-H youth.

  • There will be slotted times based on each individual’s last name. Please see the Schedule of Events.

  • Record books will be required.

  • More information about county shoots, the dates, and the registration process will be coming soon.

Important rules of the Larimer County Fair:

(These rules are subject to change or event cancellation per health orders at the time of fair.)

We are working to provide a safe event and to comply with the public health orders in place. Precautions like face masks are what allow us to hold these events with larger groups of people involved. If you or members of your family cannot abide by these public health rules for any reason, you should not attend the county fair this year. It is imperative for the safety of all that we follow the rules or people will be sent home, or the event could be canceled. Our success depends on you!

  • If you are feeling sick, ill, have a temperature, or are experiencing any of the signs of COVID-19, do not come to the fairgrounds. Additionally, if you have been around someone in the last 14 days who has or is suspected of having COVID-19, do not come to the fairgrounds. 

  • Face MasksALL participants, members, volunteers, and their families MUST wear face masks at all times unless directed by a show official while showing.

  • 6' social distancing between family groups must be followed. Only 1 guardian and/or adult will be permitted per contestant.

Lastly, we realize the fair experience will be different this year. A large number of people, including staff and volunteers at both Larimer County and CSU, have worked very hard to be able to bring you this fair under the current health orders. We listened to your feedback that as many live competitions as possible were preferred and we are proud of what we are able to offer given the circumstances. We hope you are, too! Please bring your positive attitude and patience to fair this year! We are all trying something new and different. And always remember the 4-H Code of Conduct that guides us. 

Attention: Shooting Sports Leaders

Practices are starting and we have kids signing up to participate. We need leaders to volunteer!

Here are the steps required as part of the waiver that allows us to have Shooting Sports practices:

  1. Consent Form: All leaders must complete the adult COVID-19 Consent Form and upload it to their 4HOnline account. If you are not able to do the upload, please print it out, complete it, and send a picture of the completed form to Pam Heeney so she can upload it for you.

  2. SignUpGenius: All leaders must register for practices ahead of time on the SignUpGenius. Registration will close the night before each practice date to allow time for admin to check forms and print reports. If you need any help with the SignUpGenius, contact Sam Webb or Sharel Cameron and they can help.

    • Sam Webb: 970-214-5646 or sammyjwebb@gmail.com

    • Sharel Cameron: 970-672-7368 or sharel@mac.com

Also, if superintendents need help with check-in, Cindy Buckardt is willing to help. Contact her at 970-481-7993 or csh@frii.com.

Thank you all for everything you do and we’re looking forward to seeing you at the ranges!

Registration for Shooting Sports Practices is Open

The registration for Shooting Sports practices is available on SignUpGenius now. Registration is required for 4-H members, certified leaders, and parents/guardians.

  • Before registering, members must have attended Orientation in January or have completed the online Safety Quiz.

  • All members and leaders must sign the informed consent form and upload it to 4HOnline.

  • All members and leaders must register for practices.

  • If an adult would like to be in the shooting area to observe their 4-H member, they must register for practice. Only ONE adult per family may register.

  • All registrations must include the first AND last names of those attending.

  • Anyone not registered must stay in their car. Bringing additional people is discouraged at this time. However, if others must come, they will be required to stay in the car at the parking area.

  • Everyone will be required to wear a mask when outside of cars. Members are encouraged to bring their own hand sanitizer. We will also have some available at practices.

  • Anyone in the shooting area will be required to use eye and ear protection when the line is open.

  • Signups will be close the night before practices, so please plan ahead.

  • Check dates, times, and locations! Some disciplines have changed!

We'll see you at the range!