The Shooting Sports Council and extension specialist, Rachel Wildman, meet regularly to plan the year and discuss any issues that arise. These meetings are designed for enrolled Shooting Sports leaders, however, there is a public comment period at the beginning of meetings for parents or members to address an idea or concern with the group.
To learn more about the Shooting Sports Council, refer to pages 10 and 11 in the Larimer County 4-H Shooting Sports Policies and Procedures or the Constitution and By-laws.
Officers for 2025
President: Brett Dennis
Vice President: Sharel Cameron
Secretary: Shawn Walker
Treasurer: [Vacant]
Timnath Room, McKee 4-H Building, The Ranch
Agenda to come soon.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 919 6099 1534
Passcode: 842382One tap mobile
+16699006833,,91960991534# US (San Jose)
McKee 4-H Building at The Ranch.
Estes Park Room at the McKee 4-H Building at The Ranch.
Click here for the Zoom link if you cannot attend in person.
Enrollment as of January 13, 2025.
Meeting Recap:
Leader Certification The council reviewed upcoming certification training schedules across multiple counties:
Morgan County will host training for Rifle, Pistol, Shotgun, and Archery on March 7–9, with the Weber family leading junior leaders. Registration opens January 24 and closes February 21.
Weld County's training is scheduled for March 14–16, featuring Rifle, Pistol, Shotgun, and Archery. This session will include a special free Orion Training on March 15–16. Registration period: January 31–February 28.
Pueblo County will offer comprehensive training March 21–23, including additional disciplines like Muzzleloader, Western Heritage, and Hunting/Outdoor Skills. Registration runs February 7–March 7.
Garfield County's session is set for March 28–30, offering the same comprehensive program as Pueblo. Registration from February 14–March 14.
Certification Maintenance Requirements: To maintain certification, leaders must:
Complete training in their discipline within the past 7 years
Actively volunteer in their discipline for 2 out of the last 3 years
Important Admin Updates:
Vice President Elected: Sharel Cameron
Annual Safety Meeting on Zoom will be held on January 30 and March 7
Required Paperwork must be submitted following the meeting and before attending orientation or practice
Member enrollment deadlines are February 1 for returning members and March 1 for new members
The Remind app will be reset, requiring all members and leaders to rejoin
Upcoming Events and Planning:
Supplemental Practices/Invitational requests are due by April 1, with Weld County Invitational counting toward practice requirements
4-H Carnival preparation includes organizing shooting sports booths and coordinating with the Foundation for prizes, Rachel will make the request at the next Foundation Meetings
Shooting Sports will be operating two booths at this year’s carnival
County Shoot Awards discussion included plans for pins, ribbons, and premiums, with Dave investigating custom county belt buckles
A Hunter Education Course for 4-H members is being coordinated with Colorado Parks Wildlife and Liberty Firearms
Record Book and Exhibit Workshops will be scheduled: May (via Zoom), June and July (at The Ranch)
A Shooting Sports Quiz Bowl is open (team or individual)
More Information here:
Meeting Recap:
Survey results are in and will be given to the key leaders to review
Annual Safety Meetings will be on January 30, 2025 and March 7, 2025
Items of clarification in the 2025 Policies and Procedures. The draft will be sent out before the end of the year.
Look Into rewording the language about Responsible Adults attending practices with 4-H members
Clarify language in the dress code
Larimer County 4-H Shooting Sports Council has been formed!
Meetings will be held the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. in January, March, May, June, September, and November
Officers Elected:
President - Brett Dennis
Vice President - Currently accepting nominations, will be selected in January
Secretary - Shawn Walker
Treasurer - Svetlana Koltun
Standing Committees - Please be thinking about which committees you would like to join if any:
Orion Scoring
Please consider becoming certified! Dates are listed in the agenda and on the Shooting Sports Calendar
Contact Information
You can find contact information for our key leaders, assistant key leaders, and more on the Contact Directory.