The superintendents for .22 Rifle held a Zoom meeting on Thursday, June 11 to talk about the waiver the Shooting Sports program received to move forward with practices beginning this week. Watch it below.
Hey 4-H Members, Leaders, and Parents!
GOOD NEWS! We have received a waiver to allow 4-H Shooting Sports practices to begin starting as early as this weekend! There will be a lot of guidelines in place for this to be able to happen. You will receive more information from your discipline leaders, but here are some overarching things that you will need to do/consider when attending.
Please read the following fully and carefully.
You must fill out an informed consent form and upload it to 4HOnline before you are eligible to attend practices. Download the 4-H member informed consent form here, and the 4-H leader form is here. Upload it into 4HOnline in the section that looks like the image pictured here:
There can be NO MORE than 50 people at each practice. You will use SignUpGenius to register for practices AT LEAST 24 HOURS BEFORE THE PRACTICE. Only directly participating 4-H members, guardians, and certified leaders should be at the scheduled activity. Guardians, siblings, family members, friends, and others not directly participating in the activities should not attend. A guardian will be required to be present for Shooting Sports and will be asked to observe from vehicles unless otherwise requested. If the parent/guardian wants to be with the youth member as they practice (out of their car and in the shooting area) they must also sign up as an Adult on SignUpGenius prior to the event and will be accounted for in our 50-person limited practice.
If you are experiencing any of the symptoms of COVID-19 or have had known contact with anyone with COVID-19 in the 14 days, do not come to practice. More information about the symptoms of COVID-19 can be found here.
Here are some of the key guidelines that will be in place: use of masks by members, leaders, and parents; hand sanitizing stations for use before, during, and after practice; separate entry and exit at facilities when possible; 6-foot physical distancing; discouragement of sharing equipment; sanitation of any equipment that must be shared between uses; and sanitation of high-touch surfaces at practices.
You will need to bring your own mask, and hand sanitizer if you have any! All members, leaders, and parents are highly encouraged to wear a mask during this activity. Some disciplines (archery and muzzleloader) will be able to take their masks off on the firing line only due to Shooting Sports safety reasons with the activity that necessitate it. Hand sanitizing stations will be available.
Keep the six-foot distance from others when at practices! Leaders and members will maintain at least six-foot spacing between participants whenever possible unless other safety aspects of the activity necessitate otherwise. Firing lines and ranges may be spread out more than normal to account for this. At times, 4-H Shooting Sports leaders may need to be within six feet of a member while on a firing line to help ensure safe muzzle control.
All participants should only handle their equipment. Shooters will have to bring their own equipment and any sharing of equipment is highly discouraged. Members can share within families though and if you are using county equipment it will be sanitized between uses.
Only directly participating 4-H members, guardians, and project leaders should be at the scheduled activity.
Be kind and considerate to the 4-H leaders, your fellow members, and 4-H families as we begin some face-to-face interactions. There are a lot of new guidelines in place so it will be a lot different than you may have experienced in the past. Please be patient and remember that we all truly care about everyone’s safety and are doing our best to ensure that. All the guidelines and procedures the 4-H leaders are given to abide by for practices are from CSU, the county health department, and our office. Therefore, they must be followed.
HAVE FUN! While it might not be “normal,” I hope you all still enjoy this time with your friends getting to do what you all love! Now is a great time to be able to practice and hone in on those skills you all work so hard to acquire!
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me! I am extremely excited that you all will be able to begin practicing in person again. Please be patient while waiting for additional dates and/or details as leaders plan for when your discipline might begin practicing again.
I hope you all have a great day!
Brittani Kirkland
We are working to open Shooting Sports practices within the next 10 days. Safety training is required annually for all Larimer County 4-H Shooting Sports members.
If you did not attend the orientations that were held in January, or you have not already completed the Online Safety Quiz, please do so by Monday, June 15. This MUST be completed before you can register to attend any practices.
Please visit this link to watch the videos and complete the Larimer County 4-H Safety Quiz. Please make sure that at least one adult in your household is viewing the videos with the 4-H member. Check your answers and make note of any questions you answered incorrectly so you know ALL the right answers!
If you have any questions please contact the superintendent for your discipline or Extension Agent, Brittani Kirkland.
We look forward to seeing you all at the range soon!
Colorado Parks and Wildlife has released a new set of standards for the Hunter Education course. CPW has placed a class limit of 10 total, including instructors and parents. They are recommending that we wait until further notice for more guidance, which will be after the first week of July. I am sorry this has been such a challenging year.
We are CANCELING our class scheduled for June 20–21. We hope to look at new dates for this fall when we can have a larger class size. Sorry for the inconvenience.
(CPW said that they will accept the certificate from the online course for up to 6 months and then it will be a case-by case-consideration. However like everything else, this is subject to change.)
Hey 4-H Members and Leaders,
We have received information that the 2020 Colorado 4-H State Shooting Sports Championships have been canceled. Even though this event is canceled, please know the Colorado State 4-H Office, Colorado State 4-H Shooting Sports Advisory Committee, and State 4-H Shooting Sports Championships Superintendents will be working to identify possible alternate avenues to engage 4-H youth in State 4-H Shooting Sports contests this year. Please see the attached letter for more detailed information.
I know this is extremely disappointing for many of you and I am sorry that this highlight event will not be occurring this year! I know many of you look forward to this event and work very hard to qualify for it. As a whole, I recognize how the presence of COVID-19 in Colorado has severely impacted our communities this year and I know this has not been easy to deal with. I truly empathize with you all in missing our normal 4-H activities, practices, and, most of all, our 4-H friends. However, I know we will all come out of this together!
I do want to encourage you all to keep practicing! Please continue to learn about your disciplines and I hope that someday soon we will be able to resume our practices and other 4-H shooting sports events, even if in a modified format.
Brittani Kirkland
Our Larimer County Shooting Sports leaders will be talking about what the remainder of the 2020 4-H Shooting Sports year will potentially look like. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 9 at 6:00 p.m. via Zoom. If you are a Shooting Sports leader and didn’t receive the email from Brittani Kirkland with the information, please email her for the link.
This week we’re offering a Shooting Sports Crossword Puzzle. This one is a bit more challenging, but we’ve included hints along with the clues on the second page. Please submit your completed puzzle and your time on by going to Contact Us in the menu or the footer. We love getting pictures of the kids with their puzzles. The best time in the Junior and Senior divisions will receive a $10 gift card!
Here are the results from our puzzles so far:
Word Scramble
Ele, Dennis, and Jade Hastings all participated (Great job!)
Archery Word Search
Ele Hastings 38:27.86
Dennis Hastings
Jade Hastings
Shooting Sports Word Search
Junior Division:
Willow Cameron
Ele Hastings (Winning time of 13:38.17)
Dennis Hastings
Jade Hastings
Jagger Sumter
Senior Division:
Walker Cameron (Winning time of 11:08.54)
This week, try your hand at this Shooting Sports Word Search. Start a timer when you begin. Then send a photo of your completed puzzle along with the time it took you to complete it to the Shooting Sports website. Go to and choose Contact Us, then Share Photos.
You have until May 21, 2020 to submit yours. The Larimer County 4-H Shooting Sports member with the fastest time will win a $10 gift card!