Key Leader

Mike Conley

Assistant Key Leader

Chuck Cross


News and Updates





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Orientation Process


New Members

Members new to Larimer County 4-H Shooting Sports must complete the orientation process by attending an Annual Safety Meeting on Zoom first, followed by one of the orientations for Shotgun second.

Annual Safety Meeting on Zoom (attend one)

  • Thursday, January 30, 2025 at 6:30 p.m.

  • Friday, March 7, 2025 at 6:30 p.m.

–The Zoom links will be emailed to enrolled Shooting Sports members one week before each meeting date.
–Please log in a few minutes around 6:25 p.m.—we will begin promptly at 6:30 p.m.
–Members AND parents are required to attend, and we will be taking attendance during the meeting.
–We will alert discipline key leaders about who is ready for new member orientation or practices based on fulfilling the Zoom requirement.

Shotgun New Member Orientations (attend one)

  • Tuesday, March 25 at 5:30 p.m.

  • Tuesday, April 1 at 5:30 p.m.

Returning Members

All returning members are required to attend the mandatory Annual Safety Meeting on Zoom. (Returning members are defined as those who participated in practices for Shotgun during the previous year.)

Annual Safety Meeting on Zoom (attend one)

  • Thursday, January 30, 2025 at 6:30 p.m.

  • Friday, March 7, 2025 at 6:30 p.m.

–The Zoom links will be emailed to enrolled Shooting Sports members one week before each meeting date.
–Please log in a few minutes around 6:25 p.m.—we will begin promptly at 6:30 p.m.
–Members AND parents are required to attend, and we will be taking attendance during the meeting.
–We will alert discipline key leaders about who is ready for new member orientation or practices based on fulfilling the Zoom requirement.

Returning shooting sports members who are adding Shotgun as a new discipline should attend a new member orientation date before attending Shotgun practices.




Practice Schedule

Practices are held at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday evenings at Great Guns Sporting in Nunn. Check the calendar for specific dates.

The first practice for 2025 is on March 25.

Practice Location

Great Guns Sporting LLC

16126 County Road 96
Nunn, Colorado 80648


Practice Information

A parent, guardian, or responsible designated adult over the age of 18 is required to be in attendance at all Shooting Sports practices.

Everyone in attendance, not just members, must sign in and out of practices. This is how we make sure everyone is accounted for, and how we track your practice attendance.

No electronics on the shooting line.

Stay on the shooting line until the line is closed.

No caffeine before shooting. It hurts concentration and steadiness.

Observe the 4-H Dress Code and safety/discipline rules as listed in the Larimer County 4-H Shooting Sports Policies and Procedures for 2025.


We will use Remind to send alerts about cancellations and other important communications.

Text Messages – Sign up via Remind by texting @4HSHOTGNLC to 81010. Opt out of messages by replying unsubscribe @4HSHOTGNLC to the same number.

Email – Send an email to No subject is needed.

App – Available for your Android phone or iPhone. Choose “Join a class” and enter the class code @4HSHOTGNLC.

Please Note: Our Remind account will NOT allow members under the age of 13 to join.

Visit for details.




Important: Key Leader Input

Please consult the key leaders before purchasing equipment. They can offer specific advice before you make an investment.

For full equipment descriptions and information, see the Colorado State 4-H Shooting Sports Rule Book (Revised 4/2024).


Shooting vest or shooting belt with bag for holding 1 box of shells.

Safety glasses (No sunglasses).

Hat (If desired).

Ear protection (Push-in style or over-the-ear is acceptable).

Jacket or coat (The weather can be questionable and can change to cold and rainy very quickly.).

1 box of shells per round, lead only (Maximum shell length is 2–3/4" @1200 FPS (7–1/2 or 8-shot ONLY).

No reloaded ammunition is allowed at County or State 4-H qualifying events.

Funds (Cost is $6.00 per round).


Any 12 gauge, 20 gauge, or .410 shotgun is acceptable. (Shotoguns with a chamber larger than 12 gauge are not allowed.)

Semi-automatic, pump, or over/under.

Most guns now come with removable choke.

  • Modified chokes will cover almost all types of shooting being done

  • Skeet chokes for shooting skeet, but modified will work

Suppressors and muzzle brakes are not allowed.

If you have any questions about your shotgun, please call or bring to practice and ask.

From Page 51 of the Colorado State 4-H Shooting Sports Rule Book, 4/2024.

For full equipment descriptions and information, see the Colorado State 4-H Shooting Sports Rule Book (Revised 4/2024).

Shotgun photo 5.jpg
Shotgun photo 4.jpg



Protective eyewear or prescription glasses is required. No sunglasses.

Ear protection is required.

County shooting sports waiver must be completed with enrollment and before practices.

Follow all safety rules as listed in the Larimer County 4-H Shooting Sports Policies and Procedures for 2025.

Anyone at the range can call a cease fire.

Muzzle control is important. Shooters can and will be pulled off the line for endangering themselves or other shooters, and incident reports will be filed with the Extension office.

Observe MAT:

  • Muzzle – pointed in a safe direction,

  • Action – open until done loading,

  • Trigger – finger off of the trigger until firing.

Two-hand carry to and from the shooting line. The barrel must be kept in a safe or downrange position. Over the shoulder carries are NOT allowed.

All shotguns must remain unloaded with actions open and empty until on the line ready to shoot.

Only 1 shell at a time can be loaded and only when it is your turn to shoot (except when shooting Skeet or 5-Stand).

DO NOT put the barrel of the gun on your toe. A magnetic shooting pad for the barrel is acceptable.

Click here for more information about the National 4-H Shooting Sports curriculum and First Shot Fundamentals.




County Shoot Requirements

Members compete in two age groups: Juniors = 4-H age 8–13, Seniors = 4-H age 14–18.

Register for the Shooting Sports project and Shotgun discipline by the March deadline.

Attend a minimum of 4 Larimer County practices.

  • Informational meetings, orientations, safety meetings, and workshops do NOT count as practices.

Members do NOT have to compete at the county shoot to complete the project.

County Shoot Information


Tuesday, July 9, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. for Skeet and 5-Stand
Tuesday, July 16, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. for Trap


Great Guns Sporting
16126 County Road 96
Nunn, Colorado 80648



Clay targets will be scored either hit/broken or lost/missed.

  • Hit/broken target: A target is scored as hit or broken when at least one visible piece of the target is broken or separated from the target.

  • Lost/missed target: A target is scored as lost or missed when it is not hit during its flight. The absence of a visible, separated target piece is considered a lost or missed target. A target is scored as lost or missed if it is fired upon out of order or in the event of a non-alibied failure to fire.

County Level

5-stand, trap, and skeet will consist of 1 round of 25 targets. 

State Level

Sporting clays (5-stand) will consist of 1 round of 50 targets.

Skeet will consist of 2 rounds of 25 targets.

Trap will consist of 2 rounds of 25 targets.

Orion Scoring System

Larimer County Shooting Sports uses the Orion Scoring System for county competitions. This tool greatly streamlines both the scoring process and tabulation of results. 

For Archery, standard scorecards are used to record scores and then scanned to be scored and totaled by the software. We have scorecards available for members to look over and use for practice, so you can become familiar and comfortable with them.

Click to view and download scorecards here:

Shotgun Scorecards

Orion Scoring Example.jpg

Here is a quick example of how to mark the scorecards. Fill in the inside, smaller portion of the correct bubble.

If you make a mistake or need to change a score, DO NOT cross it out. Leave the original, incorrect bubble and fill in the larger, oval bubble for the correct score. Then initial next to the shot.

State Shoot

Place in the top 5 in your chosen classes at the county shoot.

Complete hunter safety and upload a picture of your hunter safety card to 4HOnline or email it to before July 1.

Complete a project and record book, and earn at least a blue or red ribbon at the county fair.

Pay the state shoot registration fee ($20 per participant plus $5 per class, except shotgun which charges $15 per class).

Shotgun state teams consist of five members.

State Shoot Information


Saturday, August 31, 2024 (Skeet & Sporting Clays)
Sunday, September 1, 2024 (Trap)


Pikes Peak Gun Club
450 South Francesville Coal Mine Road
Colorado Springs. Colorado


Click here for the tentative schedule and additional information posted by Colorado 4-H.

Some onsite camping is available. The nearest hotels are at the Colorado Springs Airport.

Chairs are helpful for some shotgun events.

Carts are helpful, especially for sporting clays.

National Shoot Information

The 2025 4-H Shooting Sports National Championships will be held June 22–27, 2025 in Grand Island, Nebraska at the Heartland Public Shooting Park. 4-H youth from across the country compete in compound archery, recurve archery, air rifle, air pistol, .22 rifle, .22 pistol, shotgun, muzzleloading, and outdoor/hunting skills.

Colorado 4-H’s team members are determined based on standings at the 2024 Colorado 4-H State Shooting Sports Championships.

Click here to learn more about the 4-H Shooting Sports National Championships.



Projects and Record Books

Visit the Projects page for information that applies to all Shooting Sports disciplines.