We’re starting the new 4-H year, but first let’s take a quick look back at 2024 BY THE NUMBERS. Learn more about our 4-H Shooting Sports program and enroll for 2025! The deadline for returning members to enroll is February 1. New members have until March 1!
The dates for the Larimer County 4-H Shooting Sports county shoots in 2025 have been set. Please mark your calendar now!
Shotgun: 5-Stand and Skeet – Tuesday, July 8
Archery – Saturday, July 12
Air Pistol/Air Rifle – Sunday, July 13
Shotgun: Trap – Tuesday, July 15
.22 Rifle – Saturday, July 19
Muzzleloading – Saturday, July 19
Enrollment for the 2025 4-H year is open at v2.4HOnline.com and the deadlines to enroll are approaching. We wanted to mention a few items to note as you’re completing the enrollment process.
Upload your Hunter Education card.
4HOnline does NOT save your hunter ed card from last year. Please upload it when you’re filling out enrollment. If you don’t yet have hunter education, no problem! You can email it to be added later.Upload your Youth Handgun Form.
If you are enrolling in .22 Pistol or Western Heritage, you will also upload your youth handgun form. (You can download a blank copy here.)Click the “Pay by Check” button.
Regardless of whether you want to pay online or via check, you will click the “Pay by Check” button. Larimer County 4-H does not use 4HOnline’s system for payments, so “Pay by Check” tells the website that you’re paying outside that system. Then you must go all the way through to the end and click the “Submit” button. Please see this instruction sheet for help with the steps to finish the enrollment process and submit it to Larimer County 4-H.Submit Your Payment.
Submit your payment of $50 per member for enrollment fees via either check or online as follows:Send a check made out to Larimer County 4-H to the following address:
Larimer County Extension Office, 1525 Blue Spruce Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80524-2004Pay online:
Click here to pay online via credit card or PayPal.
If you submit your enrollment without your Hunter Ed card or Youth Handgun Form, you will need to email them directly to Britney Filter for her to manually add them to the system.
Mark Your Calendar
Deadlines for enrollment are February 1 for returning members, and March 1 for new members.
All Shooting Sports members are required to attend ONE of these Annual Safety Meetings to be eligible to participate in Shooting Sports practices. We will be hosting the Annual Safety Meeting on Zoom on two dates:
Thursday, January 30, 2025 at 6:30 p.m.
Friday, March 7, 2025 at 6:30 p.m.
The Zoom links will be emailed to enrolled Shooting Sports members the week prior to each Annual Safety Meeting on Zoom date.
Enroll now to be ready for the upcoming Shooting Sports orientations and practices!
The next meeting of the Shooting Sports Council is on Wednesday, January 15 at 6:30 p.m. at the McKee 4-H Building at The Ranch.
We are offering the option to attend via Zoom for those who are unable to attend in person.

Achievement Night was held a few weeks ago and many of our Larimer County 4-H Shooting Sports members and leaders were recognized for their accomplishments in 2024.
10-Year Members
Daiton Crego
Dakota Fisher
Ian Foltin
Ele Hastings
Mason Hershman
Tyler Kesterson
Emily Richardson
Joshua Ryan
Jaydyn Simpson
11-Year Members
Walker Cameron
Jessica Laffey
National Qualifiers
Mason Hershman – Air Pistol
Victoria Freeland – Air Rifle
Ian Foltin – Muzzleloading, Outdoor Skills
Wyatt Loos – Shotgun
Daiton Crego – .22 Pistol
National Champion Shotgun Team
Blake Bohlender
Wyatt Enns
Wyatt Loos
Coaches: Mike Conley, Chuck Cross
Special Shooting Sports Award
Walker Cameron
Qualified for Colorado’s national team in every discipline he competed in each year as a senior 4-H member (.22 Pistol, .22 Rifle, Archery, and Muzzleloading) and represented Colorado three times at the National 4-H Shooting Sports Championships in .22 Pistol, .22 Rifle, and Archery. He was a member of the Muzzleloading team for 2024, but was unable to participate due to an injury.
20-Year Leader
Mike Conley, Shotgun
H-Award: Head
Sharel Cameron
This award is for a 4-H Leader who is always thinking of new ways to facilitate educational programming, has dedicated countless hours to teaching 4-H members in Larimer County, and is constantly growing their own knowledge.
Congratulations to you all!
The Shooting Sports leaders are scheduled to meet on Tuesday, November 12 at 6:30 p.m. on Zoom. All leaders interested in being the key leader for a discipline need to attend! We will choose key leaders and determine what disciplines our county can offer for the 2025 4-H year at the meeting.
Enrollment for the upcoming 4-H year is OPEN NOW!
Returning Members: If you’re a returning member, the enrollment deadline is February 1. Go to v2.4hOnline.com.
New Members: The deadline for new members to enroll is March 1. Click here to learn more about joining a 4-H club, choosing your projects, and completing your enrollment!
If you have any questions about Shooting Sports, email info@lc4hss.org!
The state invitationals for Western Heritage and Outdoor Skills will be held at the Eagle Valley Gun Club in Gypsum. Western Heritage will be on Saturday, September 21 and Outdoor Skills will be on Sunday, September 22. Members who are enrolled in these two disciplines of the Shooting Sports project and have met the requirements for Larimer County are eligible to participate.
The Outdoor Skills Invitational will serve as the National Qualifier for senior members for the 2025 4-H Shooting Sports National Championships held in June 2025.
Registration is open through 4HOnline. The cost of each contest is $30 and will be made payable to Garfield County Shooting Sports Council and sent to Garfield County Extension, 4-H Shooting Sports, PO Box 1112, Rifle, CO 81650.