Shooting Sports Practices Starting

Now that we have the approval to begin hosting in-person events at The Ranch and other locations, we’re able to begin Shooting Sports practices and meetings. Here’s how things will work.

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Requirements for members to begin practices:

  1. Enrolled in Shooting Sports in each discipline on 4HOnline.

  2. Paid enrollment fee either by check or online.

  3. Completed your required orientation for each discipline.

Members who are eligible to attend practices will receive an email with an invitation to register for practices on SignUpGenius. This email will come directly from the discipline superintendent or admin's email or the Larimer County Shooting Sports SignUpGenius account. Registration on SignUpGenius is required to attend practice. Each discipline will set its own deadline for registration. To allow as many members as possible to attend, each family is allowed only one parent/guardian to attend practices. Adults need to include their contact information in the SignUpGenius.

All participants must follow these basic guidelines at events:

  • Do not attend if you feel ill or are experiencing any symptoms of illness. 

  • Masks are required for all participants at all times, unless a safety exception is specified by your event leader (for example, masks can be removed on the firing line in shooting sports practices for safety reasons)

    • If you are unable to wear a mask or prefer not to wear a mask, we ask you to participate virtually in these events

  • Wash your hands before attending, after the event, and as appropriate during the event

  • Enter and exit through separate doors

  • Each event space has its own bathroom facilities. Please only use the facilities designated for your event space

  • Individuals not following these guidelines may be asked to leave or be removed from the event.

Important Update About 4-H In-Person Programming
2021-02-13 Update on In-Person Events.jpg

We are happy to share good news with you! 

We have officially received approval from Larimer County and CSU to begin holding in-person events at The Ranch! We are currently approved for scheduled events through February and we will reapply on a monthly basis. 

We will NOT yet have access to the McKee Building at least through March. We find out on a monthly basis whether we have access. Our staff and The Ranch staff have been working diligently to move events to other spaces at The Ranch on a monthly basis. 

What Does this Mean? 

  • Please look for communications from your club and project leaders regarding whether upcoming events will be in person or virtual. This may change on a month-by-month basis.

    • Leaders have been notified about whether space is reserved for club meetings, workshops, and practices being hosted in February. We will continue to update on a monthly basis.

  • All events will allow virtual access when reasonable and appropriate to do so. If you have questions about this, please contact your club or project leader, or our office.

Health and Safety Guidelines 

We are excited to be able to begin meeting again, even in a limited capacity, as we know how essential in-person interaction is to 4-H programming and youth development. We also care deeply about the health and safety of our entire community. 

Leaders will share expectations regarding health and safety guidelines for in-person events in advance of the events, which follow state and county health guidelines. 

All Participants Must Follow these Basic Guidelines at Events:

  • Do not attend if you feel ill or are experiencing any symptoms of illness.

  • Masks are required for all participants at all times, unless a safety exception is specified by your event leader (for example, masks can be removed on the firing line in shooting sports practices for safety reasons).

    • If you are unable to wear a mask or prefer not to wear a mask, we invite you to participate virtually in these events.

  • Wash your hands before attending, after the event, and as appropriate during the event.

  • Enter and exit through separate doors.

  • Each event space has its own bathroom facilities. Please only use the facilities designated for your event space.

  • Follow staff and leader guidance on the day of the event regarding additional health and safety guidelines.

  • Individuals not following these guidelines may be asked to leave or be removed from the event.

We look forward to seeing you at events and thank you in advance for supporting your leaders through this process and respecting these guidelines. This is a positive change and with your help, we can make it successful and hopefully continue to offer even more projects and programs in person!

If you have any questions about any of the above information or this transition, please contact Katie Daywalker.

Jonathan Marr Memorial Scholarship

This is a scholarship opportunity for 4-H members who have participated in Shooting Sports for a minimum of four years and plan to enter a vocational or technical field. The deadline is April 1, 2021.

Jonathan Marr Schoolarship 2021.jpg

One $500.00 scholarship will be awarded annually to a 4-H Member who has been enrolled in Shooting Sports for a minimum of four years.

This scholarship is intended to assist individuals entering a postsecondary vocational or technical field, such as welding, carpentry, mechanics, etc.

Applicants will need to submit three letters of recommendation. One from their Extension 4-H Agent, one from their County 4-H Shooting Sports Coordinator or Coach, and one from a non-relative adult. Each applicant will also need to provide an essay on what they have done in 4-H, why they are applying, and what they plan to do in the future.

Don and Margaret Marr will select a committee to determine the recipient. Please send the required materials listed above to Margaret Marr at 7108 Highway 34, Yuma, CO 80759.

All required materials are due no later than April 1, 2021.

Orientations for 2021 (Updated February 5, 2021)

Click the image to enlarge it, or click here to download a PDF.

When to Attend

Please see the flowchart on the image to help you determine when to attend orientation and save the dates!

Returning members who attended the January 28 Orientation but need to add a discipline: Stay tuned for the in-person event to be determined.

Mark Your Calendar

Returning Members Orientation: (Attended practices in 2020)

  • Returning members who attended the January 28 Orientation but need to add a discipline: Stay tuned for the in-person event to be determined.

  • Thursday, February 11, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. on Zoom

Orientation for New Members, Members Who Did Not Attend 2020 Practices, and Any Members Adding a Discipline:

  • Thursday, February 18, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. on Zoom and In Person (Date to be determined)

  • Saturday, April 3, 2021 In Person (Tentative)

Register for Returning Member Orientation

Register Here

To be considered a returning member, youth must have attended practices and actively participated in 2020.

Registration is required by the deadline on Wednesday, February 10 at 12:00 noon.

After registering, you will receive an email confirmation from Google Forms immediately.

The link for the Zoom meeting will be emailed only to those registered from on the day before the orientation.

If you have any questions about this orientation or registration, please email

Register for New Member Orientation

This registration is for members new to Shooting Sports in Larimer County, Returning Members who did not practice in 2020, and Returning Members who are adding a discipline.

Registration is required by the deadline on Tuesday, February 16 at 12:00 noon.

After registering, you will receive an email confirmation from Google Forms immediately.

The link for the Zoom meeting will be emailed only to those registered from on the day before the orientation.

If you have any questions about this orientation or registration, please email

Orientation is Mandatory

  • All members must attend an orientation before attending practice.

  • There are multiple opportunities for orientation.

  • There will be no orientations at the ranges.


Email with any questions.

Colorado State Championships Rule Book Updated for 2021

The Colorado State 4-H Shooting Sports Championships Rule Book has been updated for 2021. The rule book is updated every 3 years.

Grab the updated rule book at this link, or it’s always available in the footer of this website.

Changes of note include:

Archery: Seniors will now shoot 20, 30, 40, and 50 yards. The juniors will continue to shoot 10, 20, 30, 40 yards. (Page 39)

Muzzleloading: Juniors will shoot 5 Shots at single bull target (RB-100-8) instead of 5 Shots at five (5) bulls (RB-50-68). (Page 48)

Air Rifle: National Championships qualification changed from Utility to Olympic Offhand. (Top 10 scores aggregate from Olympic Off Hand and 4-P scores. In the case of a tie, the Olympic Offhand score is used to break the tie.) (Page 53)

Returning Members Orientation


The Zoom link included in the “Clover Connection” newsletter was INCORRECT and will not work for the orientation on Thursday at 6:00 p.m.

The correct Zoom information for the Returning Member Orientation will be emailed directly to registered members. Registration is required before the deadline on Wednesday, January 27 at 12:00 noon.

Watch for the email including the meeting info from


To be considered a returning member, youth must have attended practices and actively participated in 2020.

Registration is required by the deadline on Wednesday, January 27 at 12:00 p.m. and we will take attendance during the orientation.

Complete one registration form per family, and one section for each member. You will receive an email confirmation immediately.


Email or contact the superintendent for your discipline.

To find all of the information about orientations, visit the original post titled Orientations in 2021.

Shooting Sports Leader Certification in Larimer County

Larimer County’s Shooting Sports program needs certified volunteers! This training will be held in Larimer County on March 12–14, 2021. Please consider registering to attend and volunteer in our Shooting Sports program!

The training usually costs $135, and the Larimer County 4-H Foundation will reimburse a portion of that after serving the Shooting Sports program for one year. The last time trainings were held in 2019, we received a donation to cover the cost to all Junior Leaders (14–18-year-olds).

If you are not currently a 4-H leader, call the Extension office now at 970-498-6000 to start the process to be a leader first. Then you can register for the certification training.

Find instructions for the registration process here.

Larimer County (Hosted in Weld County)
When: March 12–14, 2021
(All general session components will be conducted virtually on Friday. Details regarding the virtual general sessions and training agenda info will be sent to registered participants when registration closes.)
Disciplines Offered: Archery, Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun
Registration Opens: January 15
Registration Closes: February 26 at 11:59 p.m.
More information about the Larimer County training

If you can’t make it to the Larimer County training, there are four other options on different weekends in different locations. Click here to see more information about those options.

If you have any questions, please email