2020 State Results Posted

The results from the 2020 State Shoot have been posted.

Originally results were released by Colorado State 4-H on November 3, 2020. Errors were discovered and revised results were posted on November 5, 2020.

The revisions were to the following divisions:

Archery: Senior Compound Limited
Shotgun: Senior Skeet
.22 Rifle: All divisions

2020 National Qualifiers

The National Qualifiers have been determined based on the 2020 State Shoot placings. Congratulations to all of the Larimer County 4-H Shooting Sports members who have been recognized as qualifiers for 4-H National Shooting Sports in June 2021.

Clausen Ranch Threatened by Cameron Peak Fire

The Clausen Ranch was threatened by the Cameron Peak Fire last weekend. Our Shooting Sports members know it as the location for both .22 Rifle and Muzzleloading practices, and Clausens also hosted the county shoot and state shoot for Air Rifle this year.

Click here to watch a news story about Jerry's quick work to create fire lines and save his property from the Cameron Peak Fire.

We are thinking of Jerry and his family, as well as all of the other families affected by the fire.

Clausen Fire.jpeg
On Target Tuesday Recordings

Washington State 4-H Shooting Sports is sponsoring On Target Tuesdays, a web series of workshops featuring top USA Shooting Sports athletes and Olympic competitors. Details are available here, and click here to register for the web series.

If you are unable to watch the live webinars, you can also catch up with recordings each week:

October 6: Jade Krolikowski, Shotgun

October 13: Ashley Petersen, Rifle, Midway Foundation

October 20: Anna Weilbacher, Rifle

October 27: Todd Knecht, Hornady Ammunition

November 3: Casey Kaufold, Archery (Recording failed)

November 10: Keith Sekora, Archery

November 17: Phillip Jungman, Shotgun

December 1: Alexis Langan, Pistol

Virtual 4-H Open House / Monday, October 5
4-H Open House 2020.jpg

Invite your friends and family who are interested in learning more about 4-H to register for the 4-H Open House on Monday, October 5 from 5:30–6:30 p.m. It will be held via Zoom.

Join us for:

  • videos by 4-H members highlighting project areas,

  • an interactive STEM activity,

  • local, state, and national opportunities, and

  • enrollment information.

Visit this Zoom link to register: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIvc–qqjkoGdyzgSYPH_iEjP4HCbNexMz6

On Target Tuesdays Web Series

Washington State 4-H Shooting Sports is sponsoring On Target Tuesdays, a web series of workshops featuring top USA Shooting Sports athletes and Olympic competitors. Hear from top athletes in Archery, Rifle, Shotgun, and Pistol as well as representatives from the MidwayUSA Foundation and Hornady ammunition. Learn how they achieved excellence in their fields and careers.

The series takes place on Tuesdays from October 6 through December 1 at 7:30 p.m. Mountain time.

Guests include

  • Jade Krolikowski, Shogun

  • Ashely Petersen, USA Midway Foundation

  • Anna Weilbacher, Rifle

  • Todd Knecht

  • Casey Kaufold, Archery

  • Keith Sekora, Archery

  • Phillip Jungman, Shotgun

  • Alexis Langan, Pistol

Follow this link for more details, and click the button below to register for the web series.

Muzzleloading State Shoot Location Change

Due to the fires and the amount of smoke at the range, we are moving the Muzzleloading State Shoot to Fort Lupton. 

Our schedule will remain the same. Please be on time for your check-in. If we are running ahead of schedule we will bump times up slightly to get things done promptly.

Here is the information about the location:

Fort Lupton Range

2001 Historic Parkway
Fort Lupton, Colorado



Travel south on Highway 85 to County Road 14 1/2 (there is a stoplight). Turn right to travel west. Go about 1/4 of a mile to Historic Parkway and turn right onto a dirt road. Follow the road straight back past the buildings. We will have the gate open down to the range.

Parking is tight so make sure to leave yourself enough time for driving as well as finding parking. Remember that only those registered on the SignUpGenius may be on site. Masks are required when out of the car. Members can remove masks when on the shooting line.

Thank you all for your flexibility and understanding this year!


Call Rod Bergstrom at 970-217-6769.

.22 Rifle State Shoot Location Change

Due to the fires and the amount of smoke at the range, we are moving the .22 Rifle State Shoot to Fort Lupton. 

Our schedule will remain the same. Please be on time for your check-in. If we are running ahead of schedule we will bump times up slightly to get things done promptly.

Since this is a different range we could use some more leader help. There are some slots open on the SignUpGenius

Here is the information about the location:

Fort Lupton Range

2001 Historic Parkway
Fort Lupton, Colorado



Travel south on Highway 85 to County Road 14 1/2 (there is a stoplight). Turn right to travel west. Go about 1/4 of a mile to Historic Parkway and turn right onto a dirt road. Follow the road straight back past the buildings. We will have the gate open down to the range.

Parking is tight so make sure to leave yourself enough time for driving as well as finding parking. Remember that only those registered on the SignUpGenius may be on site. Masks are required when out of the car. Members can remove masks when on the shooting line.

Thank you all for your flexibility and understanding this year!


Just call or email us.  Sam tends to answer sooner.

Ian Webb

Sam Webb
970.214.5646 or sammyjwebb@gmai.com

Sharel Cameron.22 Rifle
State Competition Results in October

Our Larimer County state shoots are being held over the next few weeks. Our targets and scorecards will then be compiled and sent to Colorado 4-H Shooting Sports.

Counties have until the end of September to complete their county’s state shoots. State competition results will be finalized after that and are not promised until the end of October.

We will post the standings and alert everyone as soon as they are available.