Archery County Shoot Information

Please read this post in its entirety. There is important information throughout.

Who: Archers who met county shoot requirements and registered for county shoot
What: Larimer County 4-H Archery County Shoot
Where: Field east of the McKee Building at The Ranch (same location as practices)
When: Saturday, July 13 starting at 7:00 a.m. (Each member’s round time was scheduled via the SignUpGenius)
Why: #1 – Competition to demonstrate the skills and sportsmanship you’ve learned this year in archery; #2 – Determine teams for the Colorado state shoot.


Arrive at the check-in table on time with your equipment ready to go.

Wear appropriate clothing for the weather conditions (hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, rain jacket, bug spray, etc.). Be sure to follow the Larimer County 4-H Shooting Sports dress code: closed-toe shoes, no sleeveless shirts, modest-length shorts, etc. You are allowed to carry your water bottle on the range with you. We will also have water available throughout the range as well.

When you arrive:

  1. Assemble your equipment and come to check-in.
    (Do NOT bring your phone, smart watch, other electronics.)

  2. Complete equipment inspection.

  3. Receive instructions about scoring.

  4. Begin your FITA target round with your scheduled group.

If you are unable to make your scheduled start time, come to check-in as soon as you are able—we will attempt to schedule you as soon as there is an opening. Please be patient. We will do our best, within reason, to make sure that all qualified archers get to shoot. As soon as there no more archers are waiting to shoot and the FITA range is empty, we will start tearing down the range. Once the range starts coming down, latecomers will no longer be allowed to begin.

Every effort will be made to find lost arrows, but searching will be limited. Arrows must always be stored and carried in a quiver. You can resume your search for arrows once the competition is complete.


Time: The course will take 2–2 ½ hours to complete.
Practice: Every group begins with practice arrows at a 20-yard FITA target.
Course: FITA targets first, followed by 3D targets.


  • 3 arrows at each FITA target distance (starting with 40, 30, 20, and then 10 yards) for a total of 12 arrows. Participants have up to 5 minutes to shoot the round at each distance.

  • 2 arrows at each of 4 3D targets placed at unknown distances up to 40 yards for a total of 8 arrows. Participants have up to 2 minutes to shoot each target.


  • 5 arrows at each FITA target distance (starting with 50, 40, 30, and then 20 yards) for a total of 20 arrows. Participants have up to 5 minutes to shoot the round at each distance.

  • 2 arrows at each of 10 3D targets placed at unknown distances up to 40 yards for a total of 20 arrows. Participants have up to 2 minutes to shoot each target.


  • Do not touch any arrows until all members’ scores are recorded!

  • Senior archers will score their own groups. Juniors will be assisted by a volunteer.

  • It is your responsibility to ensure that you receive the correct scores. Please be sure you know how to score the targets and record scores on the Orion scorecards. 

  • If you disagree with an arrow score or have questions, raise your hand and call for a range officer to clarify before touching any arrows. Advocate for yourself!

  • Mark all arrows with the provided black Sharpie before pulling them.

  • Once you sign your scorecard, it is final. 

3D Targets

  • Binoculars ARE allowed. Rangefinders are NOT allowed. This includes participants, parents, and spectators!

  • Nobody will be allowed to inspect the targets or the scoring rings before they shoot on Saturday. 

  • Nobody will be allowed on the 3D range prior to the competition except the few volunteers who are asked to help with set-up.

  • Don’t talk about 3D distances or scoring rings with anyone, including fellow competitors.

  • Don’t walk over to a 3D target unless you are going to score and pull arrows at that target.

  • Don’t offer to help find arrows at a 3D target where you have not yet shot.


What to Bring

  • Water

  • Healthy snacks

  • Sunscreen

  • Bug spray

  • Chairs

  • Pop-up or umbrella for shade
    (If you have space in your shade, please invite others to join you.)


  • Keep your participants’ phones. Participants may NOT carry electronics on the range. This includes phones, smart watches, air pods, etc.

  • Parents will not be helping their own family members with scoring or pulling arrows.

  • Coaching from parents or anyone else is prohibited during the competition. If you think your child needs water or a snack, ask a range volunteer for help.

  • Questions or concerns may be respectfully brought to the attention of a volunteer on the range.

  • Disrespecting range volunteers or attempts to gain an unfair advantage over fellow competitors will not be tolerated and may result in being asked to leave the range, or in extreme cases, disqualification. 

  • You may use binoculars, but rangefinders are PROHIBITED for everyone.

We know that we won’t have any issues because we have great kids and families in our 4-H Archery program!

Potluck and Awards

Once the competition is complete on Saturday, July 13, we will tear down the range and put everything away. Then we will meet in the exhibit hall in the McKee 4-H Building to share a potluck lunch. This will most likely be shortly after 12:00 p.m.

We will provide:

  • Main dish of Sloppy Joes

  • Plates, cups, and utensils

  • Water

Please contribute by bringing:

  • Dessert: Last Names beginning with A–F

  • Chips: Last Names beginning with G–J

  • Salads/Sides: Last Names beginning with K–R

  • Fruit/Veggie: Last Names beginning with S–Z

We look forward to gathering with our Archery friends and family while we wait for the scores to be compiled. Then we’ll announce the results and present the awards.

This is a lot of information. If there’s a question we didn’t answer, please ask! Our goal is to have a safe, inclusive, fair, and FUN competition.

Sharel CameronArchery