.22 Rifle County Shoot Information

The county shoot for .22 Rifle is this Saturday, July 20.

Please note the start time of your relay and arrive on time to check in and prepare your equipment.

Set-up will begin at 6:30 a.m. We’d appreciate help to set up the range and pop-ups if you are able.

What to Bring

Equipment: Check that you have all of your equipment for the day, including ammunition.

Pop-up Tents: The day will be hot and long, and shade makes a big difference. The firing line will be covered by pop-ups to keep the participants cooler, and we will have a few by check-in. But the more shade the better.


Chairs: Bring a place to sit while watching your 4-H member. And your 4-H member will want a place to sit when they are not shooting.

Water: It is important to stay hydrated. Bring plenty of water for your 4-H member as well as your family.

Snacks: Bring snacks to stay fueled throughout the day.

Activities: Activities for siblings and members who have completed their rounds.

Potluck and Awards

Our potluck and awards will begin after shooting is over and the ranges are cleaned up. Please jump in and help when it is time to clean up!

The last round will end around 12:00 p.m.

We will provide:

  • Deli sandwiches

  • Plates, cups, utensils

  • Water

Please contribute by bringing:

  • Dessert: Last Names beginning with A–G

  • Chips: Last Names beginning with H–J

  • Salads/Sides: Last Names beginning with K–S

  • Fruit or Veggie: Last Names beginning with T–Z

We will gather to eat, wait for the results to be compiled, and then present the awards for the day!