Potluck after Archery County Shoot
We will be having a potluck after the county shoot in the air-conditioned McKee Building.
We have use of the kitchen, so any cold items can be placed in the fridge. Other items can be placed on the table in the building.
The main dish of fried chicken will be provided. We will also provide plates, plasticware, and drinks. Please feel free to join us and bring anything you wish to share with other families.
The potluck will begin after the county shoot area is cleaned up. The more help we have taking down the range, the sooner we are able to eat.
Awards and presentations will be made after eating. We are using the new Orion scoring system so scoring and placements will hopefully be shared quicker than in years past.
Donations toward the potluck are greatly appreciated.
Contact Anita Ballinger at mctmom1@msn.com or 970-290-5369 with any questions.