Lon Hagler Range Work Day / Community Service Opportunity

BTB Range Work Day Square.jpg

The Big Thompson Bowhunters (BTB) is hosting their annual Range Work Day for the Lon Hagler Archery Range on Saturday, May 5 starting at 8:00 a.m. They will be tearing down all the butts, replacing the shot out bales, and then rebuilding the butts with new banding and wire. There will also be some general cleanup around the range. A lunch will be provided at 12:00 p.m. by the BTB and work should be completely finished around noon. Bring your bow and fling a few arrows when we’re finished.
4-H has been allowed to use the Lon Hagler Archery Range at no cost and in return we help with the range work day. Cindy Buckardt will be gathering paint so we may be able to paint more of the benches this year. The BTB has also installed a sandbox right behind the sight-in target range, so if you have any sandbox type toys you would like to donate I am sure it would be appreciated.
Dress accordingly for both the weather and painting.