Reviewing 2018 Shooting Sports Handbook
Shooting Sports Handbook.2018.Cover.jpg

Our Shooting Sports leaders are preparing for the 2019 4-H year, and one order of business is reviewing the Larimer County 4-H Shooting Sports Handbook. We’d appreciate it if Shooting Sports Leaders and 4-H families reviewed the handbook and submitted questions and suggestions. You can find the 2018 Handbook here.

Please email your feedback to Cindy Buckardt.

Thank you!

Shooting Sports Ambassador Applications

Colorado 4-H Shooting Sports Ambassadors represent 4-H and specifically 4-H Shooting Sports for public relations purposes at special events such as donor/supporter functions and with the general public, peer groups, 4-H groups, community service groups, schools, and media contacts. They serve as spokespersons for the 4-H Shooting Sports program, helping to make 4-H and the 4-H Shooting Sports programs more visible. The ambassadors further develop their skills in leadership, public presentation, citizenship, community service, public relations, and team building.

You can find more information in the application packet. Download it by clicking here.

Applications are due by October 15, 2018. Email the completed application packet to

Sharel Cameron
Archery Superintendent Needed

Larimer County 4-H is seeking an Archery Superintendent. A leader’s certification in archery is required to apply. Please see pages 9–10 of the Larimer County 4-H Shooting Sports Handbook for a job description, as well as the list of responsibilities and an application below. Applications will be accepted through October 29, 2019, and then interviews will be hosted to ensure that we find a good fit to support the goals of the Larimer County 4-H Program.

Archery Superintendent Responsibilities

Archery Superintendent Application

Sharel CameronArchery
Western Heritage County Shoot Wrap-up

The county shoot for Western Heritage took place on August 12. Here are the results:

Junior Division

  1. Ms. Annabelle Daisy (Aralee Rinebarger)

  2. Earl “Bump” Rinebarger (Brayden Rinebarger)

Senior Division

  1. Patrick O’Leary (Matthew Delehoy)

  2. Straight Shooting Rose (Katie Webb)

  3. Little Jake (Jacob Grudle)

  4. Tombstone Will (Will Davis)

  5. Marcellus Bean (Aiden Hall)

  6. Kid Kody (Dakota Taylor)

Be sure to scroll through the pictures of this exciting day also!

CANCELED: Outdoor Skills RMNP Field Trip

***Due to an unforeseen situation, the Outdoor Skills Field Trip to Rocky Mountain National Park has been canceled for this Saturday, September 29. We are not planning on rescheduling the trip for this year.***

Jackie Easthouse would like to invite anyone interested or currently enrolled in the Outdoor Skills project to join in on a field trip to Rocky Mountain National Park on Saturday, September 29.

We will take a hike and then sit and watch the elk bugle until dark. It will be very busy, so we suggest carpooling. If there is enough interest we can check into renting a 12-passenger van. Meet in the parking lot of the Kmart in Loveland on Highway 34 at 9:00 a.m.

This will be an all-day outing. Please pack a picnic lunch and dinner along with snacks and lots of water.

Please RSVP to or send a text to 303-548-6433. Please include the number of people attending and if you will need a ride.

You must fill out and sign this consent form and bring with you on September 29 (

If parents are not attending, please fill out this health form and bring it as well (

If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact Jackie.