Wrapping Up 4-H Archery Season

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The 2018 4-H archery season is drawing to a close. We have one final event, which is the annual Fun Shoot at The Ranch on Saturday, September 1 (Labor Day weekend), from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Cindy Buckardt and Anita Ballinger will be coordinating that event so be on the lookout for an email message from them.

You can find results here:

Archery State competition results for Larimer County participants

Archery State competition results for all counties

Congratulations to all of our state competition participants. I hope you will join me in celebrating our successes. Once again we represented our county well. I truly hope that none of you are disappointed with your performance. I know that I'm not. I am so proud of each of our Larimer County archery participants. Larimer County archery participants are the ones who understand and follow the rules. You are the ones who know that hard work is rewarded with success. You are the ones who realize that even a poor performance day on the archery range beats a great day of video gaming. And you are the ones who help others when they are in need. I hope to see you all at a local archery range or shop soon.

Thank you to all the parents and archery leaders for your contributions in making this a fantastic 4-H archery season. I know that with all of your help, next year will be even better!

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